Sunday, January 11, 2015

Healthy breakfast or snack! (Blog Hop Week 2)

Kids Step 1: 
Choose your favorite healthy yogurt to use!

Tiny's tip: if you use plain yogurt, you can sweeten it with stevia or 
dash of another sweetener... a fruity Greek yogurt tastes great too :)

Kids Step 2: 
Choose which fruits you want to try, then help wash them!

Kids Step 3: 
Stir a little splash of milk (or milk-substitute if you'd rather) into the yogurt, just to smooth it out!

Tiny's tip: this is a good time to stir in any special ingredients!

Adult's job 1: 
Prep while kids are stirring....

Adult's job 2: 
Place the sliced fruit inside popsicle holders all along the edges (fruit should stick to the sides since it's moist)

Place the prepared popsicle into the freezer and let them freeze for at least 6 hours... then enjoy!

Tiny Tip:
When kids are having a good time helping to prepare their food, they are more likely to want to taste it! When able, include them through simple things like stirring, rinsing, stacking, pouring, or whatever they are able to safely do at their age... sharing the joy of creating something new together!

In our Tiny Tastes app, we incorporate this principle of involving kids in the eating process as they get to choose which bowl Tiny eats with, which fancy spoon she will use, and where Tiny eats at. So far, they can take Tiny on a picnic or eat in the kitchen together... but stay tuned, since lots more fun destinations are coming soon!

And most importantly, when using the Tiny Tastes app kids get to choose whether or not to join Tiny for the meal after you share some of their food with Tiny. This is an important part of the Division of Responsibility (DOR) that we've considered in the app. You can read more about the positive DOR feeding-approach here

We've heard so many stories about how Tiny is inspiring kids to taste new foods along with her in the app! We'd love to hear your app feedback if you'd like to share it with us too :)

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