Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Tiny & Emily Meet Rachael Ray!

It was so much fun to be part of the live studio audience for a taping of the Rachael Ray show in NYC!

We began the experience by waiting in a long line out on the sidewalk in the wintery cold weather here... waiting for security to check our bags and go through an airport-security-grade scanner before we could enter the building.

Then almost 100 of us were waiting in a small "holding room" where we were shown a video of the episode clips that were shot earlier in the day. Apparently they film her show in shifts & chunks. Today was a makeover episode, and unfortunately the audience who was part of the first taping of the day only got to see the "Before" version of the featured woman who was receiving a makeover. Luckily for us, our audience group was the last shift of the day so we got to watch the Before footage while we were in the holding room... and then also experience the full transformation of the After reveal while we were in the studio as the rest of the episode was filmed in real-time with us. I hadn't realized that there could be more than 1 studio audience involved in the taping of a single episode of a show. If look closely at the audience, you may notice it sometime! 

And of course there was the cooking segment - Rachael showed us how to make a warming vegetarian meal, as well as how to prepare those fabulous kale chips that we see in the markets a lot now. It is actually really easy to bake them up at home, for a delicious & nutritious alternative to other salty snacks!

Today they were also filming an episode for an early-January showing already now too. For that segment, they had a panel of 3 experts join Rachael in her kitchen, one of each sharing their medical, nutritional, and financial advice for 2015. The nutritionist that Rachael invited to speak in this episode was actually Keri Glassman, who is someone who has written about picky eating. We wish we could have spoken with her, since she was right across the room there talking with Rachael and she would probably be VERY interested to hear about Tiny Tastes! But due to filming we didn't get that moment to talk. Ah well, maybe she will read our blog someday  :)

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