Sunday, January 4, 2015

My Health Goal for 2015 (Blog Hop Week 1)

Unfortunately, I'm one of those people who needs at least 8 hours of sleep per night in order to function well. But I'm pretty willing to defer preferences and even needs in order to accomplish other important goals in life. I just wish that I was someone who has enough energy to continuously 'still do it all' after only 5-hours of rest! 

The thing is though, my sleeping patterns have had a tendency to backfire for me lately....
Most of the time I stay up until 2-3 am to get projects done. I come from a long line of night-owls, so that's no big thing -- definitely feels natural! But whenever I'm up that late working, I have to sleep in then to try to recoup. That might not be too big of a problem, except that even when I get to sleep in until 10-11 am the next day I still wake up feeling groggy. 

My biggest goal for 2015 - to both improve how I feel and function - is to get 8 hours of sleep per night to optimize my energy levels and wellness. 
The specific step that I plan to take towards feeling more rested is to try to get to sleep by midnight and to keep a consistent 12-8 am schedule as much as possible. 
This will allow me to also establish healthier eating patterns instead of missing breakfast or eating later at night.

This sounds a little unrealistic to me, since there is SO much that I will still continue working on - there isn't anything that I need or want to cut out of the schedule. But my hunch is that if I am well rested, I will be even more productive during the hours that I'm awake and will be able to recoup the loss of productivity-hours with increased efficiency during the ones that I have.

Writing this down publicly today to help keep myself accountable to this goal for 2015... we'll see how it goes!

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